Hello fellow students:
Students who are interested in applying for the Fu Zhong Scholarship should prepare relevant materials (paper application and electronic files) and submit them to the Atmospheric Sciences Department TA Room before noon on August 23rd, 2024.
Please see the attached files (application form and implementation points) for the application method. If you have any questions, you can write to Teaching Assistant 國豐(Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)
週三, 31 七月 2024 02:31
[Announcement] Application and implementation points for Fu Zhong Scholarship for freshmen
- 附件1-國立臺灣大學傅鐘獎學金設置要點【1130112發布】.pdf (207 下載數)
- 臺大大氣科學系傅鐘獎學金設置要點V4-20220915系務會議通過.pdf (222 下載數)
- 附件3_傅鐘獎學金申請書.docx (187 下載數)